

in-game drag-and-drop card borders are incorrect

Reported by Hearn on OCTGN · 14/11/2009 18:17:41

Assigned to:
Play module
Issue type:

Okay, this is a weird bug, and it’s not very important, but I thought I’d bring it up anyway. In fact, I’m going to report 3 bugs here that may are partially related.

Bug #1: Start out by putting two cards on top of each other. Don’t put them directly on top of each other — just make them overlap so you can still grab either card. Now, once you’ve done this, the card on top will have a border that’s about 1 pixel too wide where the cards intersect (i.e. the sections of the border that is on top of the other card). This isn’t very noticeable when you control both cards, but a very strange bug manifests when you do not control the card on top. This bug is not easy to describe so try it for yourself: have an opponent put a card on the table. Normally you cannot move this card without taking control of it. Now, put a card that you control underneath that card (using Page Down if necessary) with a slight offset. You can now grab and move the card on top (which you do not control) by clicking very precisely just outside of its border. You’ll be clicking on an area of your card, but it will grab your opponent’s card instead.

Bug #2: Tap a rectangular card (i.e. rotate it by 90 degrees). Now, create a selection box by dragging your mouse over the table. The selection box will select the tapped card if part of the box intersects the original (i.e. untapped) area of the card, even if the card no longer occupies that area because it is tapped.

Bug #3: This bug occurs if tapping is the default table action. Put a card you control directly over an opponent’s card (i.e. a card which you do not control). Then, put your mouse on your card at a place that will not be occupied by your card after it is tapped. Now, double click (to tap), but do not release your mouse after the second click. You should now be holding on to your opponent’s card (which you normally should not be able to move), which you can drag and drop.


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