Showing deck to opponent / Viewing cards in opponent's graveyard and RFG piles
Reported by Kurt on OCTGN · 05/12/2009 16:41:33
- Assigned to:
- jods
- Priority:
- Normal
- Status:
- Solved
- Category:
- None
- Version:
- None
- Issue type:
- Bug
When selecting "Show to (opponent’s name) it only shows the top card of the deck to opponent. Would be nice if it showed them your entire deck by opening up the deck list window instead of forcing them to take control of your deck.
Also want to point out that in order to view an opponent’s graveyard / RFG pile you have to take control. It gets annoying having to take control your graveyard / RFG pile back everytime your opponent takes control. Would like it so they can just look at it w/o announcing they have to take control. The cards should always be in your control unless you give them control or they take control of a card in play (not in piles).
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