Action script order
Reported by brine on OCTGN · 22/03/2010 01:49:52
- Assigned to:
- jods
- Priority:
- High
- Status:
- Solved
- Category:
- Game scripts
- Version:
- None
- Issue type:
- Bug
I tried to make a “shuffle discard pile into deck” action, but no matter how I order the tags inside the groupaction, the deck gets shuffled before the discard pile gets moved into it. I’m thinking that most tags (apart from ones like <question>) don’t actually follow the order that they’re written in. Here’s an example of the code I’m trying to use.
<groupaction menu=“Shuffle Graveyard to Library”>
<mute />
<count group=“this” var=“$n” />
<move to=“me.#Library”>
<all group=“this” />
<shuffle group=“me.#Library” />
<print text=“{me} shuffles their graveyard into their library.” />
I’ve tried moving the shuffle tag to after the print text and the same thing occurs: The library gets shuffled and THEN the graveyard gets put on the top of the library.
So the “bug” is that some tags like the shuffle tag don’t pay attention to where it’s positioned in the groupaction
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