Deck Builder Filter additions
Reported by Todd Clark on OCTGN · 23/05/2011 12:03:30
- Assigned to:
- jods
- Priority:
- Normal
- Status:
- New
- Category:
- None
- Version:
- 0.9.*
- Issue type:
- Feature
As far as I can tell, the deck builder filter only uses logical-AND. It would be nice to have the following:
1) logical-OR
– This could be a checkbox(default:false) if not using keywords such as ‘|’,“OR”,“or”,“and”,etc in a white-space separated filter field-value
2) Filter operators
– If using operators either in addition to multiple filter instances or in singleton instances, it would be nice to have operators commonly found in search engines
– examples
– or, OR, ||, |
– and, AND, &, &&
– “some exact phrase”
– +myTerm
– -myTerm
3) Regex handling
– probably way over the top, but… if you have a regex object available you could simply add an option to the drop-down labeled “Reg-Exp” or whatever and use (new Regex(theField.getText(),flags)).test(cardField) or similar. Hell, you might already be using regular expressions for all I know :)
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