Can't Flip Cards anymore
Reported by Greg on OCTGN · 24/08/2011 14:36:55
- Assigned to:
- jods
- Priority:
- Normal
- Status:
- New
- Category:
- None
- Version:
- None
- Issue type:
- Bug
I’m not sure when this started happening but when I try to flip a card over the image it shows me while mousing over is correct but the smaller image on the table is always whatever it was initially played as. (ex I play a card face down, and flip it, it looks face down, but when I mouse over I see the face up image on the side)
In the xml file:
<cardaction execute=“flip” shortcut=“ctrl+F” menu=“Flip” />
def flip(card, x = 0, y = 0):
if card.isFaceUp:
notify(“{} flips {} face down.”.format(me, card))
card.isFaceUp = False
card.isFaceUp = True
notify(“{} flips {} face up.”.format(me, card))
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